[TAS] GC 007: Nightfire by FitterSpace, gamerfreak5665 & aleckermit in 33:42.82


[TAS] GC 007: Nightfire by FitterSpace, gamerfreak5665 & aleckermit in 33:42.82

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3568M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-12-08.

007: Nightfire is a James Bond game. Does anything more need to be said? Guns, cars, planes, submarines, spaceships, girls, and megalomaniacs.

Authors FitterSpace, gamerfreak5665 and aleckermit show off James Bond's impressive skill set, including cocaine-induced firearm handling and driving so reckless, not even a cute animal would give him car insurance.

This run improves upon the previous publication by more than six minutes of total run time, but with increased load time accuracy, new out of bound glitches, and better optimization, the real time saved compared to the previous run is nearly ten minutes.



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