[TAS] F-Zero X: Devil's Forest 2 - 0'37"802


[TAS] F-Zero X: Devil's Forest 2 - 0'37"802

I spent a while figuring out the best strat for this one, although I can't help but think that I may have missed a slightly better strat. I'm probably thinking this way because this strat doesn't seem to flow quite as well compared to other tracks.

Even though I haven't made that much progress in the Queen Cup, I'm putting the Queen Cup TAS on hold for the foreseeable future. There's a couple of reasons for this but the main reason is that I'm starting to feel burnt out from making TASes that very, VERY highly optimised (i.e. the final Jack Cup TASes, most of Sα, RC1 and DF2)...so in place of making highly optimised Queen Cup TASes, I'll be making "merely" decently optimised TASes of other FZX tracks with a controller at 15% speed (just like pretty much every other TAS I've ever made) which are sooooooooooo much more quicker and fun for me to make and hopefully to watch, too.

...having said all of that, there's one more IL TAS that's both highly optimised (at least by my skill level's standards) and very nearly finished that I've been meaning to put out for a while and it *should* be fine for me to finish up. This particular TAS is...a bit different from anything else I've made so far but keep an eye out for it nonetheless 🙂
EDIT: Here it is...my first GX TAS - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_fsN...

Re-records: 8,344

I found (what I believe is) the optimal strat while playing with a controller at 15% speed, then I optimised all of the movements using the TAS input plugin and frame advance.

Previous TAS by WMJ (0'54"504)

World Record by Dan (1'07"926 PAL / 0'56"605 NTSC)
[no link because Dan's channel recently went bye-bye 🙁 ]



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