20XX Tech Skill Fox (TAS)
Decided to make a short TAS in the style of brasterd073, probably the best Fox tech skill TASer ever. He was making frame perfect videos even before the Dolphin emulator existed, by using the Debug Menu.
20XX Tech Skill Fox (TAS)
Decided to make a short TAS in the style of brasterd073, probably the best Fox tech skill TASer ever. He was making frame perfect videos even before the Dolphin emulator existed, by using the Debug Menu.
【TAS/コメ付】モンスターハンター3トライ Part1 続き↓↓↓ Part2: Part1: Part3: Part5: Part1: Part4: Part1: Part3: Part1: Pa ...
コメ付き TAS モンスターハンター3トライ Part8 コメ付き TAS モンスターハンター3トライ Part8石ころに当たって涙目敗走のクソ雑魚村4ラギアクルス撃退~村5緊急までここまでの追記数は ...
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