Blue Beetle from JLA Makes Fun Of Batman from B:TAS (Justice League Action)


Blue Beetle from JLA Makes Fun Of Batman from B:TAS (Justice League Action)

While tracking Chronos, Batman and Blue Beetle find themselves in the past, at the scene of Batman's first investigation. Includes references to the older Batman shows/comics with the pointed cowl ears, black undies style costume, the lack of the grappling gun, the red sky with lightning, and most importantly the classic quote.

Source: Justice League Action, Season 1, Episode 6, "Time Share"

I do not own this clip. All copyrights belong to their respective owners. The video clip used is shared only for entertainment purposes, not intended to generate profit or income.

If you're wondering about any ads that might play before the video, it's monetized by WB, I'm not trying to make money from DC's content.



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