[TAS] GBA Turok: Evolution by hejops in 19:43.44


[TAS] GBA Turok: Evolution by hejops in 19:43.44

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3610M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-01-17.

Turok: Evolution for the Game Boy Advance is a side scrolling 2D shooter video game released in 2002.

In this prequel to the previous Turok games, you are Tal'Set, the saviour of natives of the River Village in the Lost Lands, who must confront the evil Lord Tyrannus, leader of the reptilian hordes. Tyrannus is bent on a "Holy Mission" to purify the Lost Land through slaughter and misery.

During the fight with your nemesis Captain Tobias Bruckner in 1886 Texas, you were injured and sucked in to the Lost Lands. After recovering in the village, you discover that Tyrannus appoints a new general to his armies – Bruckner. So you begin the war in a land of lush jungles, suspended cities, mysterious temples, reptile armies, and towering dinosaurs.



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