[TAS] GBA - Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Mario & Luigi Small Only) 100%


[TAS] GBA - Super Mario Advance 4 - Super Mario Bros. 3 (Mario & Luigi Small Only) 100%

- Heavy Glitch Abuse
- Lose time with flip card
- Letter from Princess glitch skip take save time
- Small only isn't work
World 6-5 Required Raccoon or Leaf
World 7-Fortress #1 Required Raccoon or Leaf
World 8-Fortress Required Mushroom+

I will another new game list
- Mario or Luigi only with 100%.
- Mario & Luigi, Mario, or Luigi only with small only or allowed Mushroom+ any% (warp allowed) If possible can get cloud may skip level.
- Mario & Luigi, Mario, or Luigi only with any% small only or allowed Mushroom+ (Warpless) allowed cloud.



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