The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Medallions/Stones/Trials" TAS in 1:42:29.53 by homerfunky


The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time "Medallions/Stones/Trials" TAS in 1:42:29.53 by homerfunky

This video is a tool-assisted speedrun, visit http://tasvideos.org for more information. Check this page for more information about the run and my comments: http://tasvideos.org/5557S.html

This tool-assisted speedrun by me aims to beat The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time while beating all of the dungeons, temples, and Ganon Trials in as little a time as possible. This category is widely known as "all temples", "all dungeons", "MST (Medallions/Stones/Trials)", and "no major skips". It is an improvement of 22 minutes and 15 seconds over Swordless Link's previous movie (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHXFj...)

It was made on an emulator, using frame-by-frame shooting, savestates, and rerecords to overcome things like reaction time and human error. As such, it is purely a form of entertainment, and is not designed to show skill.

Check out http://zeldaspeedruns.com/ for any information on glitches and sequence breaks in any of the most popular Zelda games.

I'd like to thank a lot the TAS and speedrun community of this game for some tips, tricks, glitches and especially the route used to complete the objective.
I thank a lot Aktan for this wonderful encode !

Enjoy !!



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