[Super Mario Maker] 10 Midair Shell Jumps (TAS Jumps) in a Row! by ゆー (YU)


[Super Mario Maker] 10 Midair Shell Jumps (TAS Jumps) in a Row! by ゆー (YU)

If you're wondering, yes this is my second time uploading this level! the reason for that is my other video on this level had poor quality because it was taken from my stream. With my crappy Australian internet I can only have 500 MAX Bitrate (meaning my stream looks crappy) so I decided to beat this again... The 2nd time I beat the level it was on stream, the 3rd, 4th and 5th time to video either corrupted or had a major Audio issue, so finally after 6 clears on this level i finally did it 🙂 (with about 20 YATTENAIs as well FeelsBadMan)

ID ~ C89E-0000-00FE-0C35



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