[TAS] Backwards F Zero X Custom Track: Smooth Clouds 5 - Very Special Half-Pipe


[TAS] Backwards F Zero X Custom Track: Smooth Clouds 5 - Very Special Half-Pipe

Long video title, short TAS.

Despite the fact that the half-pipe is a large focus of the track, I end up just skipping past most of the half-pipe section because it's faster and more entertaining to just mess around with the half-pipe. Easiest loop-skips ever 🙂

Also, is it just me or does the track that's progressively loading in the upper-left corner from 0:39-0:42 look somewhat...mesmerising? OK, maybe mesmerising is a bit too strong of a word, but still...

Played at 15% speed / frame by frame with a controller and savestates were used.

Re-records: 3,188

Track design by Philippe Brodier from PXB 2.



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