[Minecraft Speedrun] Terra Restore(TAS, Any%), Attempt 1: 24:52,633


[Minecraft Speedrun] Terra Restore(TAS, Any%), Attempt 1: 24:52,633

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Minecraaft Version : 1.8.9
Mods : Tickrate Changer -http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/...
Map : Terra Restore http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/...
Speedrun Category: TAS Any%

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Welcome to Ender Pearl spam fest lol

Sorry Lucas Rasinski, I partially lied about the TAS map I was working on. I was actually working on the other map that is requested by other viewer, but frustrated on routing it, so I leave it there and maybe someday I will pick it up again.

I don't know why but it seems like a bug of something in 1.8.9, chest not opening when a half slap is on the top of it, so I loss few seconds when taking the Terra Restore at the Chamber of Valor.

And I also made few mistake in this TAS, the biggest one is I completely forgot the diamond shovel, so that is another time loss (around 10s i guess)

For me, this TAS is to test out how fast can this map be finished with de-pearl. You know, de-pearl is now widely used in CTM speedrunning. And I am kind of happy with the result (sub-25) even though it still not a perfect run.

As I said in my previous video, I will have lesser and lesser time to make speedrun due to reality stuff but I will still try to make some TAS or segmented run. And hopefully when I have some free time, I will make a regular run (maybe still Minecraft CTM or other games).

Thanks for my GTX-1080, from now on all my video are in 1080p60 😀

Last thing, BGMs are from Demetori's latest album : Determinism&DestruKction. I personally bought almost all of their CDs, please also support them buy buying their music if you like them too!

Anyway, hope you all enjoy the TAS 😀
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Links = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
my normal any% run (34:13,447):https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v3X58...
Link2012 (52:56,29): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zRRnF...
EroGamer(55:29,190): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9K-L...
epistemologist _ (2:42,02): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0XKS...



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