Legends of Mario TAS in 16:19.72 by A Random TASer


Legends of Mario TAS in 16:19.72 by A Random TASer

(Video is available in 720 and 1080p)

Hack by HmWhyNot, Mega, NeXuS15, SomeBroYouDontKnow, Tubbaluvin and chrism_games.
Frames: 58880
Rerecords: 5239

This is the fastest completion of Legends of Mario.
For few months, I saw this hack becoming more and more popular.
I searched for TAS of the hack I didn't see a lot, there is just this one:
but I think I'm a little bit faster lol.
Whatever I really enjoyed playing this hack! There could be LOT of more improvements but I just did for fun. As you guess (maybe) I didn't use wall jumps, simply because there are disabled in the hack, and THIS reduce a lot the capacity of improvements etc...
For them who don't understand for example wtf is happening in the first boss in the castle:
If you dunno, know that when Mario hit a question block it will spawn the sprite that is in it (mushroom, key, shells...)
And if he hit a question block with a carriable sprite it will spawn one too.
Now if Mario hit a question block the same frame a carriable sprite it this same block, it will spawn not one but two sprite instead of one.
I actually did this for fun, but instead of spawning 2 sprites, it spawns another block underneath. I did this all the time, but sometime you can't see it (like the key or the first shell in the castle) because there are offscreen.



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