Hello World 100% consistent Villa Skip - TAS proof of concept


Hello World 100% consistent Villa Skip - TAS proof of concept

Made this at 3 in the morning with no script, cut me some slack. I'll make a better one later or one of you can do it and slap my name on it so i can pretend I accomplished something. I can do this manually but I havent had a chance to practice it yet by hand so I'll include that another day with a better explanation.

-Requires frame perfect jump and pause.
-First 2 use a completely possible setup.
-Third uses original inspiration for setup.
-25% chance to work with a frame perfect pause regardless of jump time.
-Sub pixel does not seem to matter. Tested more off screen but manipulating sub-pixel in tas is a pain so i only changed it twice in this video.
-No idea what happens to the frame rule once you start pause buffering.



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