[TAS] NES 10-Yard Fight by DrD2k9 in 09:21.13


[TAS] NES 10-Yard Fight by DrD2k9 in 09:21.13

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3650M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-03-13.

10-Yard Fight (10ヤードファイト) is a 1983 American football arcade game that was developed and published in Japan by Irem and published in the United States by Taito and in Europe by Electrocoin.

While the USA release plays just like real American football, the Japanese version, used in this run, has a completely different goal. This version is high score based; more like the arcade release. Score increases with progress down the field, touchdowns, kicked PATs, and remaining time on the clock when the touchdown is scored. Another major difference is no option to select difficulty at the beginning: the game moves through the 4 difficulties as its normal progression to the hardest level (Super Bowl).



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