Hyper Street Fighter 2- Ryu TAS 3


Hyper Street Fighter 2- Ryu TAS 3

EDIT 1 (February 10, 2014):

What is a TAS (Tool Assisted Speedrun)? For more information and detail, you can visit the website below. Do note, however, that I am not a part of this group:



Third Ryu TAS! (Tool Assisted Speedrun)
What does "Tool Assisted" mean?
Well, it means that what you see in the video, isn't actually me playing. What I do instead, is that I slow the game's speed down considerably, and while doing so, I use "savestates" to save my progress at regular intervals (all while recording myself playing the game), so in case I get hit, I just go back to a previous savestate and try again. Making any TAS video in general takes time, because you're not only just trying to get all perfect/not get hit at all, but you're also trying to finish the game as fast as possible, as well as make the video as entertaining as possible. I like a mixed approach; my videos make me finish the game a little slower than most would, but I like to "show off" combos/hard to hit places/etc. This particular run took me about 3900 "undoes", or in other words, I got hit/made a mistake about 3900 times, went back 3900 times, and fixed those mistakes XP
Whether people make a Street Fighter TAS, Super Mario Bros. TAS (Either 1-3 or Super Mario World, or even a Super Mario 64 TAS [ex, no Stars-speedrun]), it takes time to make a tool assisted speedrun.
Why do people do them then?
Because we enjoy making them!
For me, I love Street Fighter, and I've always wanted to get back at the "cheapness" of the CPU for a while XD, and with a TAS, it was made possible lol
It's not as hard as you think to get started on making TASes on any platform, as long as you put in some work and effort, time will fly while you work on it 🙂
Anyways, hope you all enjoy this TAS!
(You may see me FINALLY start linking Supers in combos in this video :P)



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