Super Mario 64 - TAS Comp 2018 - Task 5 in 5"53 (1st place)


Super Mario 64 - TAS Comp 2018 - Task 5 in 5"53 (1st place)

For this task you had the option of working as a pair, so my partner was Hazel. Her channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/itsPerso...

This was really fun. First task I entered, but managed to win regardless. I'm happy that my strat of using the heave ho was unique, especially since it got me the win! The best I got without it was 5"63, which would have tied for 2nd. I'll probably do more tasks, but unlikely I'll do all of them. Task 6 seems interesting, so I'll consider it.
To manipulate the heave ho, I had to use a trick that pannenkoek discovered in 2015 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ivr78...). He also has another video that looks at it in a bit more detail (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocMLV...). This trick was necessary because the position I needed the heave ho outside its normal area to get the perfect boost from its hitbox.

Music: A Hat in Time - Your Contract Has Expired - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrzjC...

Full results for task 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LIfCh...

Top 10 compilation for task 5: Not up yet

Task 5:

Jump from any pole or tree and then in any order: collect two different colored coins, collect a 1up, and break any colored [!] box. Finish by killing Mario.

- Time starts the first frame Mario is in the air from jumping off the tree/pole and ends on screen becoming completely black
- Mario must lose a life to be considered killing Mario
- Must start with Max HP and Mario's cap on
- JRB pillars count as poles because they are functionally poles
- No grabbing any grabbable objects prior to time starting
- No breaking [!] boxes with caps in them before time starts or wearing power-up caps before time starts
- No activating 1ups before time starts
- No interacting with any killable enemies in any way both before time starts and before time ends. Accidentally triggering a bob-omb's fuse or making an enemy run towards you is OK if you don't collect its coin or get pushed by its hit box or gain any advantage from it
This is an optional co-op task. You may co-operate with just one other person.

Task 5 Results:

1st: Hazel/Really_Tall 5"53 [16395]
2nd: SilentSlayers/THC98 5"60 [13974]
3rd: Dargos/MKDasher 5"63 [6000]
4th: CeeSZee/Non5en5e 5"87 [17000]
4th: Fifdspence 5"87 [1451]
6th: Nis/Sonicpacker 5"93 [9393]
6th: Speedycube64/Xander 5"93 [5471]
8th: Cynimal 5"97 [1565]
9th: Kosmic/1ted59 6"00 [3479]
10th: AleXx167/Madghostek 6"17 [5730]
11th: SM64Expert/Tomatobird8 6"33 [3608]
12th: DyllonStej/ThatPSIKid 7"10 [3352]
13th: Desire 7"17 [66]
14th: Sylwer/YO_WUZ_UP 7"27 [125]
15th: Cankicker8/Tayyip 7"33 [2633]
16th: Black Mozart 7"53 [3646]
16th: SpaceMan64 7"53 [106]
16th: Weegee14 7"53 [33]
19th: Sidney/Timestoppa 7"73 [6108]
20th: Alexpalix1 7"83 [3764]
21st: MrPyt1001 7"93 [160]
22nd: 3zachm 7"97 [102]
23rd: Alamanar 8"27 [~600]
24th: Not Plush 9"17 [533]
25th: egaSyeliR 9"77 [1139]
26th: CaffinatedYoshi 9"97 [41]
27th: Forever Park 10"43 [19]
28th: Sk3p3x 10"47 [1592]
29th: ArepaConCaraota 10"53 [25]
30th: Padacuw 10"60 [67]
31st: PhazedAU 10"77 [31]
32nd: Laython 10"93 [593]
33rd: Jongyon 11"50 [3526]
34th: Blue Block Gaming 11"53 [221]
35th: GamingDudester 12"00 [16]
36th: Doggo 12"33 [1418]
37th: Gohgo 12"83 [40]
38th: FedericoValve 14"88 [144]
39th: Mister Shots 17"47 [298]
40th: Eddio0141 29"62 [1696]

DQ: ErikCR - Revealed his time in DMs with the comp account - effectively strat-talking with the person running it
DQ: Peter Griffin - does not complete any task objectives, just falls in lava & dies
DQ: ThatTA5ER - does not finish the run by dying
DQ: JJplaysgames - falls from the pole, rather than jumping
DQ: LeddaZ - interacts with a killable enemy & collects its coin
DQ: OJJ - Revealed his time in DMs with the comp account - effectively strat-talking with the person running it
DQ: LukeSawardSRL - Did not finish the run by dying



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