[TAS] PCE Bonk's Revenge by FuzZerd in 18:29.47


[TAS] PCE Bonk's Revenge by FuzZerd in 18:29.47

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/1301M.html. TAS originally published on 2009-06-17.

Bonk's Revenge is the second game in a popular PCE/Turbographx 16 platforming series. Thankfully despite the console's unpopularity some of the games in the series were ported elsewhere. Bonk is a caveman with a giant noggin he willingly uses as a weapon against his enemies. He can also break the laws of physics by using his enormous head as leverage to glide in midair.

This run by FuzZerd features all the trappings of a prehistoric blockbuster adventure, including fire breathing, jungle platforming, raging on huge dinosaurs before they know what hit them, and raw meat.



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