Sonic Heroes (TAS) - Seaside Hill (Team Sonic) 1:47.59 {WR}


Sonic Heroes (TAS) - Seaside Hill (Team Sonic) 1:47.59 {WR}

Tool Assisted Speedrun
Watch in HD if you can, it looks much better!

Surprise, a Sonic Heroes TAS as my 500 subs special video!!!

First of all, I wanna thank ReneBalow for doing the begining of this TAS, romanemul1 for finding and teaching me the loop glitch that saves more than 10 seconds, and TheVeman3000 for helping me with strats in the end. Thank you!

There are three new tricks in this TAS:
Kick break: by switching to Tails right after a Sonic's kick and switch back to Sonic, you can kick again and gain more and more speed.
Triangle dive to keep speed: if you're in a high speed and to a triangle dive with Knuckles, it goes in an insane speed and skips great sections of the level.
Loop glitch (found by romanemul): if you release the stick in the middle of a loop, you may get launched from it. When it happens, you can hold some direction and do a homing attack to get launched in a crazy speed to some angle (this angle is kinda random)

NTSC-U Version

Player: THC98
Emulator: Dolphin x64 3.0-735-dirty
Non-TAS WR: 2:35.48 by TheVeman3000 (no video)
Old TAS WR: 2:21.96 by me and TheVeman3000




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