Super Mario 64 - 1 Star Completion TAS in 6:42.65


Super Mario 64 - 1 Star Completion TAS in 6:42.65

This TAS attempts to beat Super Mario 64 (in this case, turn on the game, begin a new file, and reach the end of 'Bowser in the Sky') in as little time as possible.

This is a tool-assisted speedrun (TAS), meaning, according to the definition at TASVideos.org, a movie that pushes a game to the limit to "create art and provide entertainment". By using rerecording and savestates, we have managed to complete the game in the fastest known time so far.

This beats the previous fastest run (at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=keN4X2...) by about 1.5 seconds, a fairly decent amount considering the size of the movie.

Small DISCLAIMER: this is NOT meant to show skill; is it meant to entertain and push the game to its limits. It is played on a modified Nintendo 64 emulator that allows a collection of controller inputs to be modified and canceled until the result is satisfactory.

This movie was played by me (mr_roberts_z) and Rikku, (http://racoon-clan.de, http://www.youtube.com/user/Rikku47 ) an accomplished SM64 TASer himself. See another one if his TASes here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=82TSWz...

Thanks to DeHackEd for encoding this movie.

The official page of this movie is at http://tasvideos.org/987M.html

For more TASes and information about them, go to http://TASvideos.org

EDIT: As of 07/12/02, this is no longer the fastest SM64 TAS. Congratulations to AKA and Swordless Link for beating it by achieving 0 stars.



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