Half-Life 2: Overawe TAS in 31.68s by OnTrigger


Half-Life 2: Overawe TAS in 31.68s by OnTrigger

A tool assisted speedrun of a Half-Life 2 mod Overawe in 31.68s by OnTrigger.

Download links:
1080p60: https://mega.nz/#!Ed0GxahQ!WH8Tzp2xG0...
1080p120: https://mega.nz/#!0IFgRDhI!WLE-7eo5dN...

0:02 - For some reason this crowbar spawns 10 other crowbars all across the room. Picking up one will remove all of them.
0:07 - I unduck, jump on the ground and pick up the shotgun. Then do multiple microjumps inside that hole and get thrown out at full speed.
0:09 - It was impossible to cross this gap in a straight jump, as there was another clipbrush in the way.
0:11 - I jump twice on each staircase to get more speed. 700 is the average ups i got on those stairs.
0:16 - RNG manipulation to get a grenade
0:21 - I throw the grenade to open up the gate and (close to) perfectly strafe inside of it
0:23 - Used a barrel as a slope to fly onto a plank. From there I have to be very careful with my health
(I originally intended to fall down the shaft at the end without having to avoid falldamage, but that didn't work out)
0:27 - Edgebug

Check out live TASing at twitch.tv/ontrigger



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