[TAS] SNES Biker Mice from Mars "final round" by Baxter in 05:12.62


[TAS] SNES Biker Mice from Mars "final round" by Baxter in 05:12.62

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/802M.html. TAS originally published on 2007-02-24.

A high speed racing game featuring rodents from another (nearby) planet. Although the author doesn't classify the velocity potential of the motorcycle as a programming error in the game, the speed at which he rips through the courses may make you wonder.

A password is used to skip to the final round at Super Hard difficulty with fully upgraded Engine and Shot parts. We do not usually accept movies using passwords. Please read the rules (http://tasvideos.org/Rules.html#2) to see our reasons.



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