[TAS] Wario Land 4 "Normal - Zipless" in 43:27.2 by node1729


[TAS] Wario Land 4 "Normal - Zipless" in 43:27.2 by node1729

RTA timing is 43:20.31

This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun, for more information please visit http://tasvideos.org/

Movie information

Author: node1729 (me)
Rerecord Count: 46544
Game Name: Wario Land 4 (USA, Europe)
ROM: "Wario Land 4 (UE) [!].gba"

This will not be published to TASVideos for three main reasons.
1. I believe it will be rejected as it neither obsoletes the existing TAS with zips, nor does it play on hard.
2. I don't want to spend the effort required in making a submission
3. I don't want my content published on someone else's YouTube channel.



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