[TAS] Project M Fox vs. Falco - Slow Motion Cinematic


[TAS] Project M Fox vs. Falco - Slow Motion Cinematic

This is something I've been meaning to do for quite some time, and I finally found reliable ways of setting it up. Like my "Super Smash Bros. in Slow Motion" videos, this video uses a code that modifies how much the Timer item slows down the game. I've figured out exactly how to modify it to be whatever speed I want, now, and made it go exactly 15x slower in this video. I also found a better way to make the effect never end, without needing Dolphin's Debug Mode, which saves a fair bit of time in setting it up. Finally, I was able to save the initial TAS as a replay file in Brawl's replay system, which then allowed me to make the cinematic camera shots in a similar way to my other videos like Bowser's Revenge.

Overall, I'm happy with the result, but I know that it can still be improved.

Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uc-Ok...
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