[TAS] Arcade Double Dragon by Sugarfoot in 06:44.34


[TAS] Arcade Double Dragon by Sugarfoot in 06:44.34

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3703M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-05-13.

Set in a post-apocalyptic New York, Double Dragon is the story of Billy and Jimmy Lee, twin brothers trained in the fighting style of Sou-Setsu-Ken. Together, they manage a small martial arts training school, teaching their students in self-defense. One day, Billy's girlfriend, Marian, is kidnapped off the street by the "Black Warriors", a savage street gang led by a man named Willy. The Black Warriors demand the Lee brothers disclose their martial arts secrets in exchange for Marian's freedom. The Lee brothers set out on a rescue mission to crush the Black Warriors and save Marian.

Released on many systems, this game was so popular that they even released it for cellular phones and made a board game. Even a Hollywood movie (http://imdb.com/title/tt0106761/) has been made.

Sugarfoot improves his previous TAS (http://tasvideos.org/3658M.html) by 38.72 seconds, thanks to newly discovered combos, better optimisation and further lag reduction. Please read the author's comments (http://tasvideos.org/5957S.html) for more details.

We also have TASes of the NES port (http://tasvideos.org/3211M.html) and the unlicensed Genesis port (http://tasvideos.org/2634M.html).



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