TAS Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy GEN in 13:30 by Dimon12321


TAS Ultimate Mortal Kombat Trilogy GEN in 13:30 by Dimon12321

After another trip, I'm ready to present another TAS!
This is my first TAS on fighting Mortal Kombat (MK 5: Sub-zero is more beat em' up).
I watched lots of TAS movies on this game and thought that speedruning it is easy and pleasure work,.... but I was wrong! I was looking for an emulator which can play hacks (games more than 4MB) for a long time as TASers don't tell the name of the emulator.
It would be good if I had a cartridge with this game and my Mega Drive was OK =(
The game is awesome, but there is one defect: the moves (when you press Up - you jump!).
Version of UMKT hack: 22
Emulator Used: Gens100Mhz 2MB
Time Playing: 00;14:02.67
Rerecords Count: 2917
Frames: 52034
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1cEYif... - all my TASes.



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