[TAS] Genesis Disney's Toy Story by Jimmie1717 & EZGames69 in 20:24.51


[TAS] Genesis Disney's Toy Story by Jimmie1717 & EZGames69 in 20:24.51

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3717M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-06-02.

Based on the 1995 Disney Pixar movie of the same name, this game tells the story of a toy cowboy named 'Woody' and his jealousy over his owner's new toy, a 'Buzz Lightyear' figurine. Like its movie counterpart, this game features revolutionary graphics for its era and (for the most part) a unique musical score. The game also has a few different modes of play: most stages work like standard platformers, though there are racing stages and even a maze-exploration stage.

Jimmie1717 & EZGames69 improve the previous TAS (http://tasvideos.org/2991M.html) by 4.38 (263 Frames @60 FPS) seconds.

If you would like to see the TAS for the SNES version, click here. (http://tasvideos.org/3672M.html)



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