NDS - Contra 4 TAS in 22:31:42 by Cpadolf & zggzdydp - Part 1/3


NDS - Contra 4 TAS in 22:31:42 by Cpadolf & zggzdydp - Part 1/3

This is a newly made TAS of Contra 4 for the Nintendo DS, it was made by me and zggzdydp in a conjoint effort. The video is a little weird since the white space between the two screens is missing, and particularly in the vertical stages things get a little displaced, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Tool Assisted - these games are played using a emulator at super slow speeds and save states. The goal is to provide entertainment by showing off game glitches and beating the game as fast as possible.
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- Aims for Fastest Time
- Uses Death as a Shortcut
- Played on Hardest Difficulty



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