[TAS] GBC Wendy: Every Witch Way "Advance World!" by ThunderAxe31 & EZGames69 in 04:41.5


[TAS] GBC Wendy: Every Witch Way "Advance World!" by ThunderAxe31 & EZGames69 in 04:41.5

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3723M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-06-06.

Wendy: Every Witch Way is an action platform video game published by TDK Mediactive and developed by WayForward Technologies for the Game Boy Color in 2001.

The game centers on Wendy the Good Little Witch from the Casper the Friendly Ghost series. After accidentally opening her "aunties" chest containing magical stones, they upset the gravity of a floating castle that crashes on her house.

The player controls Wendy through three worlds with twelve levels and a horizontal shooter stage in each world. Inserting the game in the Game Boy Advance unlocked a new world exclusive to the console - Advance World.



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