KOF 98 AE - Team Play【TAS】


KOF 98 AE - Team Play【TAS】

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Plataform: Arcade
Game: The King of Fighters 98 Anniversary Edition 2016 revision (KOF 98 AE 2016)
Player: Dark Noob
Level: 8

Mirror 1 for download: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jv27zi4...
Mirror 2: http://www.planetemu.net/rom/fb-alpha...

Time to TKOF 98 again, anniversary edition seems UM edition from PS2 version, believe me.
This is one of the best hacks I've been played after KOF 02 3rd Strike, EX characters, orochis included, new "special" gauge and also more gauge options like extra, advanced for each character individually, cancel system provided like successor KOF 02 giving more combo techniques. In other words: amazing hack, reminds a lot KOF 98 UM, one of the best games made by SNK, this hack didn't dissapoint for who want to play in him. Next time I will bet on kof 99 ae whereof heard good things about the hack.

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