[TAS] GB The Addams Family "warp glitch" by Kyman in 01:29.51


[TAS] GB The Addams Family "warp glitch" by Kyman in 01:29.51

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/2871M.html. TAS originally published on 2015-06-14.

An awful lawyer named Tully has kicked The Addams Family out of their house, so it's up to Gomez to throw knives in his face.

Using a glitch that allows the player to warp to the last level, the game is completed in under 2 minutes.

This is an improvement of 6.68 (401 Frames @60 FPS) seconds over the previous movie. Much of the improvement comes from Gomez using a new route that involves a detour to collect a potion that increases movement speed.



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