[TAS] SMS Wonder Boy by AngerFist in 43:05.02


[TAS] SMS Wonder Boy by AngerFist in 43:05.02

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/1061M.html. TAS originally published on 2008-02-18.

In this first game in the popular Wonder Boy series, Tom-Tom is out to rescue his beloved girlfriend Tanya from the wicked monster Drancon. Our nearly naked hero must travel through a variety of different environments, using a hatchet and several powerups to defend himself against the dangerous enemies along the way. The game was later ported to the NES (with altered graphics and music) as Hudson's Adventure Island (http://tasvideos.org/560M.html) .

AngerFist (http://tasvideos.org/AngerFist.html) runs, jumps, shoots, and shreds his way to Drancon, beating the game in a little under 45 minutes.



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