Marvel vs Capcom - Versus Exhibition Matches【TAS】


Marvel vs Capcom - Versus Exhibition Matches【TAS】

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Plataform: Arcade
Game: Marvel vs Capcom Clash of Super Heroes
Player: Dark Noob
Level: no one.

Hey guys what's up? Yep, it's a Marvel vs Capcom video 😉

Marvel vs Capcom always make good TAS gameplay, even when a underated character get chosen. This is the new format to the channel called "Versus exhibition " if you follow my friend Tempest you must know how this format works, there's nothing great changes, versus exhibition shows off multiple matches one by one bringing glitches, combos and some hilarious situations like playarounds, the good part from versus exbithion is that open doors for new opportunities to bring more future versus from game chosen and another one even when the game get boring, unlike playaround which limits the player to variety the CPU and match parts.
Wondering if I will bring more of it? Yes, Marvel vs Capcom will come again sometime, another time showing up more glitches (I need to work more to bring some never seen glitches), let's call it the first #1 mvc versus. Also a new versus video is comming collabing with a special friend.
Thats it guys, like said before on facebook this is my new year gift, wish the best year for everyone and all your families, hope the new format entertain everyone like playarounds, playthroughs can.

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