Pacman 2 - The New Adventures - SNES - Difficult minecart TAS


Pacman 2 - The New Adventures - SNES - Difficult minecart TAS

Update: I should have posted this before, but I am now... I did this during my last weeks of instruction, and I was extremely stressed out about going to class the next day that I totally forgot about this video on my hard drive with the others I did. With that being said, let that explain why I got things wrong in this video.

Original: Whether you like this game or not, I, myself, have enjoyed this when I was 7 years old. I remember how hard this game was as a whole, especially when it got to the minecart and hanggliding sections; I could never beat either of them.

With that being said, I decided to show off the difficult minecart section. For those of you who have not ever played the difficult minecart section, you can be grateful of that, because if you mess up, you have to do everything all over again, from the start.

Originally, I was going to post the other sections, the normal minecart and normal hang gliding sections, but I was not proud of those TAS runs, because someone on has already done them, and in my opinion, done them in a better way than I could ever have done them.

Seeing that no one has yet made a TAS of the difficult sections, I decided to do the hardest, in my opinion, the difficult minecart section.

For those who want to say: "You could have gone faster here", or "I did it in X more faster time", I'm claiming BS on that and here's why:

I tried to shave off more time, but this level is rigged so much that timing is everything. I tried to be faster at every point in this video, and it just threw off the rest of the level to where it was unbeatable.

If anything at best, I could have gone back and been more "entertaining", but that's about all I can "optimize" in this run.

Although, I do welcome those that can improve this run, in terms of speed, that is... IF that's possible...



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