[TAS WIP 1] Banjo-Kazooie Sandcastle%


[TAS WIP 1] Banjo-Kazooie Sandcastle%

The start of a project I've been working on. I can't submit this to TASvideos since the category uses cheats. The optimization is reasonably good but there are probably a few frames to save here and there. It's definitely better than LOTAD level of optimization, but I would spend more time squeezing out frames if I was going to submit it.

A big thanks to Hyperresonance who allowed me to use the start of the button file for our any% progress ( https://youtu.be/b79S_GRty_s ) for this TAS. Most of the inputs up to entering Mumbos Mountain were done by Hyperresonance, but everything after that was done by me (The8bitbeast)

This was played on the PAL version due to NTSC RBA not working on Bizhawk. This sacrifices roughly 30 seconds by playing on PAL, but makes the TAS possible with current emulation.

I wrote a lua script which automates moving in a straight line optimally. Due to this I was able to TAS much faster and take regular breaks when the script was running to avoid becoming fatigued. As a result of the script, the rerecord count is quite high since it brute forces joystick angles within 5 degrees either side of the last angle held.

It's possible to do TTC early on console without eggs, but Bizhawk is much less laggy in the TTC lobby, hence I had to use egg lag. This costs 1-2 seconds, but that is due to emulation issues rather than suboptimal TASing. I may have been able to get it with less eggs but I settled for 3.

Rerecords: 419020
Played on Bizhawk 1.12.2



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