TAS - Pokemon Yellow run in 0:00 by gia (01:09.63)


TAS - Pokemon Yellow run in 0:00 by gia (01:09.63)


Playlist: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list...

This is a Tool Assisted Speedrun - TAS, it uses an emulator, savestates, bots and whatnot. They are used in order to overcome human limitations such as skill, reflex and luck ;o

You can find more tases here or at: http://tasvideos.org/

These are my previously published movies:

There are also movies published by p4wn3r at tasvideos.

I suggest you read the movie's full comments, this is the first one's:

Drama comments:
I published the first tas a long time ago. A long time after that (about a year) I suddenly decided I wanted to check the game and found an improvement that became the second movie.

A couple months later p4wn3r published a movie that used the same main strategy, with some improvements I totally missed for being stupid. So far so good, but he claimed he figured the main strategy on his own. Of course I was wary of that, but it could have been just a coincidence, I knew p4wn3r had been researched ZZAZZ and had been able to explain how it works, so he had the ability to come up with this stuff, my problem was the timing, really? I wait a year and he does this just now?. Anyway, I had found an improvement to the strategy which again got me the faster time shortly after this, but I decided not to publish anything for a while just in case. Using just pokemon switches I could move the 76 to the stairs byte without having to access the item menu.

So months flew by, and one day, very recently, p4wn3r messaged me to my surprise. My first guess was that he had a new movie so I jumped to tasvideos and there it was, it was a nice improvement that also used a new stategy I hadn't think of, that certainly settled it, as he had proved he doesn't need to copy anything from anyone.

His new time matched mine with a different strategy, give or take frames. But using pokemon switches his movie could be improved. I don't recall the reason of his original message but the convo was basically me proposing coauthorship, each of us researching on our own in the meantime and then p4wn3r figuring the improvement on his own and declining the offer. On my research however I had found something new, I couldn't time it without starting a tas, and I wanted to go deeper before trying. So now I got a much faster game, I suppose it can be beat, but I have finally reached the "source", or actually the "destination". If you read the comments they are always about what if you can do this faster by turning this into that, or not having to do 'x' oe whatever else. Basically, I can go now to the credits from the starting point, skipping walking, skipping talking to oak, skipping the rating, skipping everything. Now doing all that takes longer in frames, this movie is the fastest I could do, instead of skipping things that dont actually take too long I just spend less time moving memory around.

I just hope I didn't miss one stupid frame somewhere and the future improvement is something clever 🙂

Technical comments:

The technical comments have stuff about bits and bytes that might be too hard to understand without some training so... the drama might be enough for you... Also this time there's a lot to say so this may end up like a thesis, I'll update this as I can.

* First, read other tases comments.

* then read online: http://freetexthost.com/bsy42cst51
* or download: http://www.mediafire.com/?0l5a5ysjryn...
(may get shut down tho)

Thanks to:
* was0x's improvement. Scrolling instead of switching as the first action after entering the pokemon menu saves one frame. ie. do 2-10 instead of 1-10.
* p4wn3r's latest runs which made me research some more and also an improvement. Don't name the rival if you aren't going to benefit from it.
* iimarckus for his Pokemon Red Disassambly Project.
* bobmario51 for his Glitchfest run (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1EYHT2...) which sparked improvement (better late than never).
* hanzou and Chamale for making me attempt a TAS of this game.
* Visual Boy Advance v19.3 authors
* BGB project.
* TAS Movie Editor authors.
* cafiremage2 and everyone that gave me data on how their actual game cart behaved when trying these glitch things.
* All the rom hackers that put their discoveries online, from memory i recall gamefaqs, datacrystal, glitchcity, upokecenter, matt's pokemon resource pack and more with sites that have ceased to exist by now.



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