[TAS] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (ARC) Mai Shiranui [4k]


[TAS] Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 (ARC) Mai Shiranui [4k]

By: BrunoRaji

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Real Bout Fatal Fury 2: The Newcomers is a 1998 fighting game by SNK for the Neo Geo platform. It is the seventh game in the Fatal Fury series and the third game in the Real Bout sub-series, following Real Bout Fatal Fury and Real Bout Fatal Fury Special. The game uses the same graphics as Real Bout Special, but returns to the same fighting system from the original Real Bout.

Real Bout 2 revamps the two-line battle system from Real Bout Special. Instead of fighting in either two lines, the player is now forced to fight in a main line, while the second line is a "sway line" used to avoid attacks (similar to the original Real Bout). The one-line trap stages, last seen in Fatal Fury Special, also return.



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