Cool or Cruel - Tubular TAS in 11:59.68


Cool or Cruel - Tubular TAS in 11:59.68

Hack by worldpeace125.

Download: http://smwc.me/1098237
Frames: 43181 (11;59.683)
Rerecords: 34883
SMV: http://goo.gl/8qhQSR
It's about time I got a TAS done. The run can actually be improved a good amount (10+ seconds) because of a break in it that wasn't pointed out to me until after I'd gotten halfway through the boo bosses; at that point, I didn't feel like going back to redo everything, so if someone wants to improve this, it should be pretty easy to do.
Also, I need a good project to do now that this one is done. Maybe at some point I'll go back to Sutte Hakkun, but the later levels just kill my motivation.



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