Super Mario 64 - 0 Star Completion TAS in 5:32.17


Super Mario 64 - 0 Star Completion TAS in 5:32.17

This TAS attempts to beat Super Mario 64 (in this case, turn on the game, begin a new file, and reach the end of 'Bowser in the Sky') in as little time as possible.

Small DISCLAIMER: this is NOT meant to show skill; is it meant to entertain and push the game to its limits. It is played on a modified Nintendo 64 emulator that allows a collection of controller inputs to be modified and canceled until the result is satisfactory.

This movie was played by me (mr_roberts_z) and Rikku, (http://racoon-clan.de, http://www.youtube.com/user/Rikku47 ) an accomplished SM64 TASer himself.

Thanks to bkDJ for encoding this movie.

You can read about the improvements in this movie at http://tasvideos.org/2101S.html

Although this is not currently the fastest 0 star TAS, it was, at one point, for...about a day.

Watch in high quality at http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=IDji7h3...

For more TASes and information about them, go to http://TASvideos.org



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