[TAS] GBA Fire Emblem by Rolanmen1 and Nitrodon in 1:25:02.9


[TAS] GBA Fire Emblem by Rolanmen1 and Nitrodon in 1:25:02.9

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/1878M.html

Fire Emblem is the seventh game in the series of strategy RPGs, and the first to be given a release outside Japan. When Eliwood discovers his father is missing, he sets out to find him, but what he discovers is far more amazing and terrifying than he ever imagined.

With carefully planned strategy, the runners complete this game in a timely manner, knocking off the entirety of the first modes available in a mere 140 turns.

Note: You can watch a version with animations turned on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzpLy...



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