[TAS] Sonic The Hedgehog (Master System) in 15:03.71 by The8bitbeast


[TAS] Sonic The Hedgehog (Master System) in 15:03.71 by The8bitbeast

This is a Tool Assisted Speedrun. See http://tasvideos.org/5129S.html to read the submission text which contains an in depth description.

This run is optimized for real time, excluding the time spent in bonus screens. If I had slowed down for lower time bonuses to save time, it could have been 4.733 seconds quicker. Slowing down for lower time bonuses would trivialize the optimizations and is not used.

Total Real time until last input: 15:03.71
Sum of Real time in levels (fade in to fade out): 12:11.53
Sum of Game times: 10:14.42

Note that better game time is possible since this TAS was not optimized for game time due to issues with lag.

Since Labyrinth Zone 2 is skipped in this TAS, I also TASed it with a normal route: https://youtu.be/HYdxkCi4wt8
I've also made a playlist of glitches that I found when making the TAS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f7VZs...

Played on Bizhawk 1.11.6



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