[TAS] [Obsoleted] Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "Knuckles, 100%" by Evil_3D in 44:57.97 - CamHack


[TAS] [Obsoleted] Genesis Sonic 3 & Knuckles "Knuckles, 100%" by Evil_3D in 44:57.97 - CamHack

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3422M.html

This movie has been obsoleted by http://tasvideos.org/3521M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-06-12.

A Sonic video without Sonic! Instead, Knuckles takes the spotlight and collects all the Chaos (and Super) Emeralds.

This run improves upon the previous publication from Upthorn by 34.10 (2,046 Frames @60 FPS) seconds, thanks to the help of some new glitches and strategies. Each second link or sets of encodes use a camhack, in order to have the camera focus on Knuckles while keeping the sprites in the foreground.



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