SNES Family Feud "Glitchfest" TAS by Heisanevilgenius


SNES Family Feud "Glitchfest" TAS by Heisanevilgenius

The author of this run is Tom "Heisanevilgenius" White. Support him, as he is the man entertaining you for these 7 minutes and 23 seconds and however long it takes to write "ABRACADABRA I WIN" in the comments:


This is a Tool-Assisted Speedrun, or TAS, of Family Feud for the SNES. This was made using an emulator with the use of slowdown, frame advance, and the ability to re-record through the use of save states. The author aimed for entertainment over fastest time.

Notes from the author:
"This is a glitchfest run, meant to show off how you can abuse the word recognition program.

I used Snes9x v1.43+ v9. * Is a demonstration * Exploits glitches * Manipulates Luck


The first bit of luck manipulation was to force the game to pick the shortest family name for my opponent. "Hall" is the shortest name, which means less time was used during the name-typing process. The fact that they appear as the most dumbfounded and shocked family when you beat them is an unintentional and hilarious side-effect.

Each round, luck was manipulated to ensure there were as many answers as possible, to abuse word recognition as often as possible. Round 1 has twelve answers, round 2 and 3 each have six.

While answers were carefully chosen to be as ridiculous and elaborate as possible and still count as correct, all other factors were chosen with speed in mind. The bullseye round is skipped and all answers are typed as fast as possible."

Special Bonus Note: This upload was just intended to be a temporary encode for TASVideos users when the run was submitted, but I guess it blew right the hell up and now it's the version everyone watches. I've kept it uploaded because of that, though I've wanted to take it down for years because I was never comfortable with the idea of my channel gaining all the attention for work that isn't my own.

But whatever, if this is the vid people wanna spread around, that's cool. I'm glad people can forgive my fucking god-awful encoding from 8 and a half years ago and still enjoy the work I didn't create.



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