[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Forest in 1:02.52


[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Forest in 1:02.52

[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Forest in 1:02.52

In which Yoshi ̶c̶o̶m̶m̶i̶t̶s̶ ̶t̶a̶x̶ ̶f̶r̶a̶u̶d̶ becomes the world's first boomerang and explosion propelled dinosaur, alongside breaking physics itself.

Featuring a timesave of 43 seconds and 4 frames in comparison to the last run, through using the Camera Lock function to allow damage boosted fight skips throughout the entire stage.

The first two damage boosts were accomplished through the Boomerang Primid, out of all things, and its attack which can launch Yoshi at a near vertical angle when properly DI'd, which is handy for the fight triggers' abnormally high position.

The third damage boost was made possible through a Bob-Omb and a one-in-a-million collision with a Trowlon (The "flying carpet" enemy), which allows me to change my trajectory just enough so that I could both fly over the remaining fight trigger in the room and get out of hitstun, so I could cancel my momentum with Yoshi's Side-B, and then Ground-Pound my way to the door.

Also, Yoshi's Side-B. It's one of the few moves in Brawl that can completely negate all forms of knockback (Called "Bucket Braking", in homage to Mr. G&W's Down-B that can negate knockback).

The fourth damage boost actually requires that I get hit in the opposite direction and hit the wall at the start of the level, as the Bob-Omb's knockback at that point is too powerful on its own. The 15% reduction in knockback from hitting the wall is perfect in allowing me to fly to the end of the stage.
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