[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Lake Shore in 2:26.02


[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Lake Shore in 2:26.02

In which the cameraman is bribed and then subsequently dragged around by a leash.

Featuring a timesave of 51 seconds and 20 frames, thanks to entirely skipping one autoscroller and forcibly running through another, alongside general optimization of fights and movement in Yoshi's part.

The flying platform autoscroller only actually begins if you step foot onto the platform itself. Using Pit, I can fly right over it and go to the exit of the level, which is only a short distance away from where the flying platform starts. This story mode LOVES to pad out fights.

The second room, which is nothing but an autoscroller, can partially be skipped by constantly adjusting the camera to always follow the player. Despite the amount of time it takes to adjust the camera, it's STILL faster than the autoscroller by itself by about 1,000 frames.
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