[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Cave in 1:30.95


[TAS] Project M: The Subspace Emissary: The Cave in 1:30.95

In which Pit embraces his inner Mario and inner Soldier simultaneously, rocket jumping and shell jumping across the level, all while firing the cameraman.

Featuring a timesave of 25 Seconds and 42 Frames in comparison to the previous level, thanks to skipping two fights and getting UNGODLY RNG in the form of nothing but Bob-Omb items. Haters will say it's cheating, but I just got REALLY lucky this time.

Fun fact: The "floor" that exists above the third room's ceiling (Below the fighting platform) doesn't have any collision; you fall to right back where you started from. The camera lock manipulation here is also pretty tricky: The camera loves to snap back to either the main platform with the fight or the ladder section, and attempts to scroll down to the first area if it doesn't snap to either one. There's an extremely short window for Pit to slow his falling speed enough for the camera to only follow him after the game is unpaused: If that time passes, the camera snaps to the beginning section, and Pit dies from being off-screen.
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