[TAS] DOS Jill of the Jungle: Volume III - Jill Saves the Prince by slamo in 13:13.36


[TAS] DOS Jill of the Jungle: Volume III - Jill Saves the Prince by slamo in 13:13.36

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3750M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-07-28.

Jill of the Jungle is a trilogy of platform games in which the player takes the role of the titular character, an Amazon woman who takes the not-so-typical role of a monster-slaying, leather-wearing warrior. Jill's most distinguishing ability is morphing into various creatures, such as a bird, a fish, and others, which allow her to explore specific areas. Levels often feature platform structures that must be navigated precisely, as well as keys and gems that must be found in order to advance.

Author slamo completes the last volume in the trilogy, Jill Saves the Prince in 13 minutes and 13.36 seconds.



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