[TAS] NES City Connection "warps" by link_7777 & EZGames69 in 10:21.99


[TAS] NES City Connection "warps" by link_7777 & EZGames69 in 10:21.99

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3753M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-08-01.

In City Connection you must drive along on roads, painting them a different color. When you have all the roads painted, you go on to the next level. Cops are frequent along the roads, but oil cans will quickly stop them in their tracks. Avoid cats and spikes, and collect balloons to warp to further levels.

In this run, link_7777 & EZGames69 (http://tasvideos.org/EZGames69.html) beat all 16 unique levels of this game and take some well planned warps.



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