[TAS] PSX Croc: Legend of the Gobbos by RingRush in 36:21.08


[TAS] PSX Croc: Legend of the Gobbos by RingRush in 36:21.08

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/1744M.html. TAS originally published on 2011-02-25.

Croc: Legend of the Gobbos chronicles the adventure of a crocodile (creatively named Croc) who runs and jumps through four worlds in order to save his Gobbo friends.

Thanks to a glitch in the physics engine, Croc adds another trick to his repertoire: the ability to float. This run by RingRush makes heavy use of the floating glitch and various other tricks to defeat Baron Dante and save the Gobbo king as fast as possible.

For a run that rescues all Gobbos, collects all jigsaw pieces, and completes all levels, see the 100% run (http://tasvideos.org/2051M.html).



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