[TAS] GG Sonic Labyrinth "best ending" by Zurggriff in 15:15.91


[TAS] GG Sonic Labyrinth "best ending" by Zurggriff in 15:15.91

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3758M.html. TAS originally published on 2018-08-05.

Sonic Labyrinth is a puzzle and platform game featuring isometric game play. Sonic must obtain keys located throughout the first three acts of each zone and then battle a boss to retrieve the chaos emeralds.

While Sonic has an incredibly slow walking speed, there is plenty of super fast bouncing around that makes good use of the spindash. The best ending is achieved in this run by entering the bonus stage in 2-3 to collect a chaos emerald.



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