[TAS] GB Popeye 2 by PPLToast & Atroz5 in 10:51.04


[TAS] GB Popeye 2 by PPLToast & Atroz5 in 10:51.04

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3417M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-06-08.

Popeye 2, sequel to Popeye, is a Game Boy platformer featuring the cartoon character Popeye the Sailor. The game follows Popeye (and his punching arm) as he ruins Brutus's day, again.

Some delicate control is required to move through the levels without losing speed; in particular, watch for the precise manipulation in the underwater levels.

Eat spinach with every meal!

PPLToast and Atroz5 improve the previous publication (http://tasvideos.org/2057M.html) by 36.88 seconds



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