[TAS] Uzebox Joyrider by Mothrayas in 01:40.07


[TAS] Uzebox Joyrider by Mothrayas in 01:40.07

This is a tool-assisted speedrun. For more information, see http://tasvideos.org/3478M.html. TAS originally published on 2017-07-22.

Joyrider is a topdown driving game for the Uzebox, in the style of the classic Grand Theft Auto and Driver games. It was created by James Howard (jhhoward) for the Uzebox Coding Competition 2014, where it won 1st place.

Like the classic GTAs and Drivers, it features a city to drive around in, with several things to do; free roaming, doing missions or participating in police chases for instance. The game has a story mode with three missions, and arcade/multiplayer modes with other activities.

Mothrayas (http://tasvideos.org/Mothrayas.html) drives through the story mode in record time.



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